Sexuality representation in TV- Hardware episode series 2 episode 5 'Tony Two-Ways'
This episode of Hardware deals with the main characters' reactions to the notion that their student part-timer, Steve, might be bisexual. The way this notion weaves itself into their consciences is through the introduction of Steve's very camp friend Zack, whom the rest of the team immediately assume to be Steve's boyfriend. Rex, the elderly manager of the DIY shop, instantly starts behaving strangely, as he has very old-fashioned & ignorant homophobic views, which puts him at odds with Mike & Kenny who are a bit surprised & think it is funny to wind Steve up about his sexuality, but are generally supportive. Rex is immediately rude to Zack & doesn't want to shake his hand, but Kenny is very welcoming & intrigued by this strange alternative form of masculinity who is in contrast to the DIY store's usual hard gruff manly clientele. After Zack leaves, Steve avoids the gaze of his co-workers & makes an offhand comment attempting to condemn the flamboyance of his friend, which the others who instantly brush off. later, in the cafe, Steve is defensive & Kenny & Mike try to calm him down, but Rex starts spouting homophobic nonsense, which is condemned by the other men, showing the creators of the show think homophobia is laughable & not a viewpoint to be taken seriously.
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